Tell us you are pregnant

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You can tell us you are pregnant as soon as you find out. If you are more than six weeks pregnant or are unsure of your dates, it’s important to let us know as soon as possible.

You can use our online form to tell us you are pregnant and register for your first appointment with your midwife.

Once you have completed the online form, you will receive an appointment for an ultrasound scan and a separate contact either by post or by phone to arrange your first meeting with a midwife. This call may appear on your phone as from an ‘unknown number’.

Tell us you are pregnant using our online form

You can speed up the process if you know your NHS number. You can find this in your NHS app or by using the NHS website’s find your NHS number tool.

If you do not have a GP, you can find a GP here to register with one.

About your first midwife appointment

Your first appointment is called your booking appointment; it should happen between 8 and 10 weeks of pregnancy. At this time we will have a detailed discussion about your personal and family history, and any relevance this has on your pregnancy.

We will also help you to create a pregnancy care plan, and discuss your options for screening tests. You may be seen before this for a first contact appointment for an introduction to your midwifery team.

Your midwife will ask you questions about you and your family’s health, so you should come prepared with any relevant information.

The NHS website has more information on what to expect at your first midwife appointment.

You can also find pregnancy health information and support, including information on folic acid, healthy eating, and pregnancy supplements on the NHS website in the keeping well in pregnancy section.

Read more information on folic acid.

What to do if you haven’t received any contact

By the time you are nine weeks pregnant, if you have not received a letter for your appointment for your dating scan, or been contacted by a midwife, please contact us via email to:

Emails are checked a minimum of once daily and you should receive a follow-up call or email within three working days.

BadgerNet Maternity

We no longer have handheld paper notes, we now use BadgerNet Maternity. You can find out more about it below:

Text reads: BadgerNotesWith a graphic of a badger. You can use BadgerNotes to tell us you are pregnant.

  • What is BadgerNet Maternity?

    What is BadgerNet Maternity?

    BadgerNet Maternity is an electronic maternity healthcare record system, created and managed by SystemC Ltd. It allows real-time recording of all events wherever they occur: in the hospital, the community, or at home. This includes both high risk (consultant-led) and low risk (midwife-led) pregnancy pathways. Based on a woman-centred care model, the BadgerNet Maternity system comes with a portal for women to view and access their own maternity records online. 

    Badger Notes is the online portal and app that allows you to access your maternity records over the internet through your PC, tablet device or mobile phone. The information that you view is generated in real-time from your hospital-based maternity system record, using details entered by your midwife or other health professionals involved in your care.

  • What are the key features of the system?

    What are the key features of the system?

    Care Plan:

    • A week by week timeline of your pregnancy.
    • Learn about your baby’s development.
    • Access information recommended by your midwife.
    • Learn about events likely to happen each week.
    • View your booked appointments.
    • Write a personal diary entry and add a photo.
    • Enter BP or pulse oximetry readings if asked to do so by your Midwife.

    Maternity Record 

    • View extracts of information direct from your medical record.
    • View the members of your care team.
    • Watch the ‘Antenatal care summary’ report grow into a record of some of your key pregnancy events.


    • Submit your thoughts and questions about your antenatal care, birth plan and postnatal care to your midwife – they will review this with you at your next scheduled visit.


    • A full library of the hospital’s Pregnancy Patient Information leaflets.

    • What are the benefits?

      What are the benefits?

      Badger Notes have replaced our handheld notes. There are a number of benefits to using Badger Notes over paper notes, and these include: 

      • Information can be shared with you directly from the maternity system.
      • Records can be easily updated at each maternity visit or appointment.
      • Midwives do not have to double enter data onto paper handheld notes.
      • Only those with the correct login details are able to access the notes. 

      You can add information regarding: 

      • Yourself, such as your occupation and any allergies. This can be discussed with your midwife at your booking appointment.
      • Your plans and preferences for birth.
      • Feedback regarding your antenatal care, labour and birth experiences. 
    • How secure is it?

      How secure is it?

      • All information is held securely and cannot be accessed without the correct login details (similar to internet banking). 
      • Badger Notes is powered by BadgerNet, the same secure platform used by healthcare professionals involved in your maternity care. 
    • Watch the Badger Notes tutorial video

      Watch the Badger Notes tutorial video

      Watch the tutorial video below which shows you how to set yourself up and the features available to use throughout your pregnancy.

    Visit our Maternity Services pages.