Equality and Diversity

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What is equality and diversity?

Equality is about making sure everyone is treated fairly and given the same opportunities. It is not about treating everyone the same way as they may have different needs to achieve the same outcomes.

Diversity means ‘difference’. When used in the same context as ‘equality’, it is about recognising and valuing individual as well as group differences. It also means treating people as individuals and placing positive value on diversity within the community and within the workforce.


As an NHS provider we are committed to ensuring that our services are accessible to, and meet the diverse needs of, all our patients and visitors. We will work in partnership with colleagues in other NHS organisations, voluntary and community groups and all our key stakeholders to enable us to plan and deliver our services in a way which best meets the needs of everyone in the communities we serve. To ensure the Board hears the views of our staff and patients the Chair of our Staff Side and a Patients forum representative have observer seats at our Trust Board meetings.


We are an equal opportunities employer committed to fair and equitable treatment of all our staff and all job applicants. We are opposed to any form of negative discriminatory or unfair treatment in all aspects of employment.

We will ensure our workforce are committed to the elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender, race, age, disability, religion, belief or sexual orientation, and are given the necessary training to support our efforts in this respect.

All our employment policies and services are developed and reviewed in conjunction with our staff side colleagues and subject to an equality impact assessment.

We are committed to making a real and positive difference to the lives of all who are affected by what we do.