The NHS Constitution

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The NHS Constitution establishes the principles and values of the NHS in England. It sets out rights to which patients, public and staff are entitled, and pledges which the NHS is committed to achieve, together with responsibilities, which the public, patients and staff owe to one another to ensure that the NHS operates fairly and effectively.

Find out more about the NHS Constitution.

Principles that guide the NHS

Seven key principles guide the NHS in all it does. They are underpinned by core NHS values which have been derived from extensive discussions with staff, patients and the public.

Your rights and NHS pledges to you

Everyone who uses the NHS should understand what legal rights they have.

NHS values

Patients, public and staff have helped develop this expression of values that inspire passion in the NHS and that should underpin everything it does.

Your responsibilities

The NHS belongs to all of us. There are things that we can all do for ourselves and for one another to help it work effectively, and to ensure resources are used responsibly.