
Feedback image

Your feedback is important to us, it helps us to improve our service and your experience.

There are several ways you can let us know what you think about your experience on the Neonatal Unit:

  • Friends and family test – there are cards at the entrance to the Neonatal unit. You may also be given one to complete by a member of staff. Please leave it by the ward clerk’s desk or hand it back to a member of staff. Your responses are anonymous unless you would like us to know by writing your name on the form. Learn more about the friends and family test.
  • PALS (Patient Advice & Liaison Service) – contact us if you have a query or need advice. We can help you sort out any concerns you may have about the care we provide. Call PALS on 0300 123 1732 or email:
  • Leave a review on the website:
  • We have a Star of the Month award. If you would like to thank a member of staff, you can find nomination forms at the nurse’s station (or ask any member of staff).