Rheumatology Ultrasound Service

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What is Ultrasound Scan?

Ultrasound imaging is a non-invasive rheumatology examination that helps clinicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. Ultrasound is safe and painless. Ultrasound images of the musculoskeletal system provide pictures of muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves and soft tissue. An ultrasound scan produces images of the body’s interior using high frequency sound waves.

How should I prepare?

  • Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing.
  • You may need to remove all clothing and jewellery in the area to be examined.
  • You may be asked to wear a gown during the procedure.
  • Ultrasound examinations are very sensitive to motion, to ensure a smooth experience it is advised to ask any questions before or after the exam.
  • Your appointment letter will detail any further instructions. Please read your appointment letter carefully and follow the instructions it gives.  The success of the examination may well depend on this.

How is the procedure performed?

Ultrasound scanners consist of a computer console, video display screen and an attached transducer. The clinician applies a small amount of gel to the area under examination and places the transducer there. The gel allows sound waves to travel back and forth between the transducer and the area under examination. The ultrasound image is immediately visible on a video display screen that looks like a computer monitor. Once the imaging is complete, the clear ultrasound gel will be wiped off your skin.

The ultrasound gel does not stain or discolour clothing. Depending on the area of examination, patient will be asked to sit or lie in suitable position. For some ultrasound exams, the patient is positioned lying face-up or face-down on an examination table. The clinician may ask you to move the extremity being examined or may move it for you to evaluate the anatomy and function of the joint, muscle, ligament or tendon.

What will I experience during and after the procedure?

Most ultrasound exams are painless, fast and easily tolerated. Ultrasound Rheumatology Examination is usually completed within 15 to 30 minutes but may occasionally take longer. After an ultrasound examination, you should be able to resume your normal activities immediately.

Who interprets the results and how do I get them?

A clinician will analyse the images and can provide diagnosis/report. When the exam is complete, you may be asked to dress and results will be sent to consultant or requesting clinician.