Meadow Birth Centre

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Meadow Birth Centre, a midwife-led Birth Centre, opened at Worcestershire Royal Hospital in April 2015. It gives you more choice over where your baby is delivered.

The centre, run by experienced midwives, offers a comfortable environment where birth is treated as a ‘normal’ process (without intervention), rather than a medical one. 

The four-room centre (each with an en-suite) is near to the current delivery suite, but not a part of it. It looks and feels homely – not like a hospital – helping you to feel comfortable and relaxed.

Read the Meadow Birth Centre leaflet for more information

Video tour of Meadow Birth Centre

Find a video below of a guided tour through the Meadow Birth Centre, taking in each of the birthing rooms as well as the family room and other facilities the centre has.

  • What is a Birth Centre?

    A Birth Centre is a Midwife-led unit with a home from home atmosphere and is designed to support women/birthing people aiming for physiological labour and birth.

  • Why choose a Birth Centre?

    According to the 2011 Birth place cohort study, women who receive midwifery-led care in labour are:

    • Less likely to have a medical intervention such as caesarean section, ventouse or forceps birth.
    • Less likely to have an episiotomy.
    • Less likely to need pain-relieving drugs in labour.
    • More likely to have a straightforward birth.
    • No more likely to have complications with their baby.

  • Who will care for me on the Birth Centre?

    During labour you will have one-to-one care from a skilled Midwife.

    As a teaching hospital, we educate and train the Midwives, Doctors and paramedics of the future. You may be asked if you are happy to have a student participate in your care. Students work alongside a Midwife and under their supervision.

    You may also see one of our Maternity Support Workers. They will support the Midwives and help to care for you and your baby after the birth.

  • Who can be with me on the Birth Centre?

    Visitors are not restricted on the Birth Centre, but we ask that the Midwife caring for you can easily access you to provide care. It is best to choose people who will support and encourage you during labour.

  • What choices for pain relief are there on the Birth Centre?
    • Breathing and relaxation
    • Birthing pools
    • Aromatherapy and massage from our trained staff
    • TENs machines are available for use in the Birth Centre
    • Entonox (Gas and Air) is available in all the rooms
    • Pethidine injection
  • What happens after the birth?

    When you and our baby are well, you will be able to go home.

    Early discharge enables you and your family to get to know each other in the comfort of your own home.

    You will be supported by your Continuity or Community Midwifery team who will make their first visit to you the day after you are discharged home.

    If you or your baby require extra care and support following birth you may be transferred to the postnatal ward.

  • Why might I be transferred from the Birth Centre?

    Main reason for transfer to Delivery Suite
    (there may be more than one reason)

    Percentage of
    total transferred

    When labour is not progressing as expected


    Request for an epidural


    When baby has passed meconium


    Concerns about baby’s heart rate


    Tears which need to be repaired in theatre


    Problems delivering the placenta


    Concerns with baby after birth




    National data shows us that 40% of first-time mothers and 13% of women having a second or subsequent baby will transfer to the Delivery Suite.

    Source: Birthplace in England research study, 2011 NICE guidance Intrapartum Care: 

  • What happens if the Birth Centre is full when I am coming in?

    As families tend to go home after a short period of time on the Birth Centre, it is unlikely that we would be unable to accommodate someone in labour coming in and can move people to a different room if necessary.

    In the very unlikely situation of having all birth rooms occupied, you would be offered the use of the pool room on the Delivery Suite.

  • My pregnancy has some complications, can I still use the birth centre?

    Our primary aim is to ensure that you receive the appropriate level of care to keep you and your baby safe.

    Certain factors such as having a raised Body Mass Index (BMI), raised blood pressure, diabetes or a previous Caesarean birth may increase the chance of complications in labour/birth.

    Any complications in a previous pregnancy or birth will also need to be considered. You will have had an initial assessment at your booking appointment, which will be reviewed and discussed with you throughout your pregnancy.

    It is important that you discuss your birth options and preferences with your Midwife or Consultant as you could still be able to use the Birth Centre following an assessment and careful individualised birth planning.

360 video of birthing rooms

Below are a series of videos featuring each room. You can see the full 360 degree viewpoint of each room by physically moving your phone or by scrolling with your mouse on a computer.

Poppy room

Cornflower room

Violet room

Daisy room

Family room

Centre photographs

Poppy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Poppy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Poppy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Poppy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Cornflower Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Cornflower Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Cornflower Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Cornflower Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Daisy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Daisy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Daisy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Daisy Suite - Meadow Birth Centre

Kitchen - Meadow Birth Centre

Kitchen - Meadow Birth Centre