After your baby is born – Postnatal Care

After your baby is born – Postnatal Care image A mother holding a new born baby.

Home » Services » Maternity Services » After your baby is born – Postnatal Care

Once your baby has arrived, you and your partner will be given plenty of time to get to know your new arrival. It’s exciting but you will be tired and your body will be recovering. There is also a lot to learn and do.

Our midwives will be able to show you the ropes and give you the confidence you need to start your journey through motherhood.

If all is well, you’ll spend a short while on our postnatal ward where we’ll help you get ready to go home and offer any advice – including physiotherapy advice, if you need it.

You can have a virtual tour of our Postnatal Ward and Transitional Care Unit here:

A tour of our Postnatal Ward

If your baby is born too small, too sick or too soon, he or she will receive specialist care in our neonatal intensive care unit, where we can care for babies born at 28 weeks’ gestation or later.

And if your baby is born later, at 34 to 36 weeks and is well, you can both be cared for in our transitional care unit so we can help your baby learn how to feed.

The short animation below will give you lots of important information that you need to know now that you have had your baby.

Our helpful maternity information animation
  • Postnatal ward

    After giving birth you will stay on the postnatal ward. For many mums and their new babies this is a very short stay.

    On the postnatal ward, care will be given to prepare you and your baby for going home. This can include advice from the physiotherapist.

    If your baby needs specialist care they may be cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit.

    Tuesday 8 to 4pm - 7.5 hours
    wednesday 11 to 6pm - 7 hours
    Thursday 1pm to 6pm - 5 hours
    total 19.5
  • Physiotherapy
    Once your baby is born a physiotherapist is also available to look after you. They will visit you on the ward and will show you a range of helpful exercises including pelvic floor exercises.
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

    Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit offers specialist care to babies born too small, too sick or too soon.

    The unit at Worcestershire Royal Hospital can look after babies born from 28 weeks onwards.

    On the unit you will meet:

    • doctors
    • specialist nurses including neonatal and children's nurses
    • midwives
    • nursery nurses and health care assistants

    They are all there to support you and your baby during your stay on the unit.

    Your baby may be cared for in the neonatal unit if they require intensive/high dependency care.

    The length of time your baby will spend on the unit could be anything from a few days to a few months. We will always keep you informed of your baby's progress and encourage you to help with all aspects of your baby's care. The unit has a parent room where you are welcome to stay nearer your baby. These rooms can also be used before your baby goes home to help you build your confidence.

  • Transitional Care Unit

    If your baby is born at Worcestershire Royal Hospital between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy and is well, you will be admitted to the Transitional Care Unit (TCU). Here we can help your baby learn to feed. All babies are different but this can sometimes take up to two weeks.

    TCU is a small unit caring for between five and eight babies and their mums. It is part of the postnatal ward. Our aim is to provide the extra care and support you need to enable you to feel happy and confident when your baby is ready to go home.

    You and your baby will be cared for by midwives and nursery nurses.

    If your baby is born before 34 weeks gestation and has spent some time on the neonatal intensive care unit, you may also spend some time on TCU. This is to help your baby develop until they are well enough to go home.

    Although most of our babies are born early, we also care for any baby and their mum who may need extra help or support.

  • Breastfeeding

    Did you know that breastfeeding reduces your baby’s risk of:

    • Diarrhoea, vomiting and gastroenteritis
    • Chest infections
    • Being obese and developing type 2 diabetes and other illnesses later in life 
    • Ear infections
    • Sudden infant death syndrome/ cot death
    • Developing eczema

    You benefit too because it:

    • Lowers the risk of breast cancer
    • Lowers the risk of ovarian cancer
    • Lowers the risk of postnatal depression
    Contact us

    Becky Davenport, Infant Feeding Advisor

    01905 760507 or 07767 440971

    Caroline Payne, Infant Feeding Advisor

    07879 440264

    Find more information on local breastfeeding support through our services.

    Feeding Support after discharge for Hospital or Home birth during COVID-19 - Patient Information leaflet 

  • Tongue Tie assessment clinic

    For: Breast and bottle fed infants up to the age 16 weeks

    Young baby in blue coat

    If you are experiencing feeding difficulties and suspect your baby of having a tongue tie (sometimes known as frenulotomy or ankyloglossia), or if a tongue tie has been diagnosed by a health professional, a referral may be made to our specialist midwives in infant feeding / tongue tie practitioners, Becky and Caroline.

    The referral must be made by completing the below form and attaching it to an email to:

    Download Tongue Tie Referral Form

    - Please note, if you're using an Apple device (such as a iPhone or iPad) please use the Pages app to complete the form, and then convert back into a word document before sending via email. This will ensure we can read the referral.

    On our receipt of this completed form we will contact you by telephone within a week.

    During the call we will assess the need for you to attend an appointment at the Tongue Tie assessment clinic.

    Clinics are held at Worcestershire Royal Hospital only at present, due to social distancing restrictions.

    For further information on tongue-tie please read the tongue tie parent information leaflet here.

    NEW Criteria for review in Tongue-tie Clinic

    Only babies who have been born at Worcestershire Acute NHS trust or live in the Worcestershire will be seen and the baby will need to be at least 1 week old and not more than 16 weeks of age (or calculate corrected gestational age). All assessments will be individual. 

    Babies will only be seen in clinic when one of the following criteria is met:

    • Breastfeeding has not improved with ongoing feeding support from the infant feeding team 
    • Bottle feeding has not improved with paced bottle feeding and change of bottles and teats 
    • The baby has not regained birth weight by 3 weeks of age 
    • There is slow weight gain (<20g per day) 
    • The mother continues to have pain when breastfeeding, despite ongoing support
  • #SqueezeLiftHold - Pelvic Floor Workout Programme

    #SqueezeLiftHold - Pelvic Floor Workout Programme

    Herefordshire and Worcestershire Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) has designed a new campaign to help pregnant and postnatal women improve their pelvic floor health.

    The ‘Squeeze, Lift, Hold’ campaign includes a website with facts, tips and advice to help women recognise the signs of incontinence as well as behaviours to follow to help strengthen their pelvic floor muscles.

    A workout programme is available as part of the campaign and features simple, quick and effective exercises that can be fitted in around busy routines.

    The three stages of the programme are designed to improve bladder and bowel control, reduce the risk of pelvic organ prolapse, improve recovery from childbirth, preserve and/or increase sexual sensation, as well as maintain spine and pelvis support along with deep abdominal (tummy) and back muscles.

    More than one in three women experience unintentional (involuntary) loss of urine (urinary incontinence) in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, while about one in three leak urine in the first three months after giving birth. But the team at LMNS want women to know it doesn’t have to be this way.

    By providing easy-to-follow tips and a workout programme of simple exercises taking less than six minutes each day, women can improve their pelvic floor in just a few months, all from the comfort of their own home.

    To find out more visit:


  • Security
    All entrances to the maternity unit are security controlled and we also have CCTV. To help us keep the unit secure, please do not let anybody else in or out of the unit. Staff will always be on hand to enable mums and their partners to get in and out. Your vigilance is an important part of our efforts to keep the unit as safe as possible.
  • Baby tags
    Following the birth of your baby on labour ward an electronic tag is attached to your baby's ankle. This will stay on your baby when you are transferred to the postnatal ward. If your baby is attempted to be taken from either of these areas with the tag in place an alarm system is activated and security staff informed. This is a security measure to help prevent an abduction of a baby happening, although the risk cannot be ruled out completely.
  • Going home from hospital
    Where mum is happy to go home this can be within six hours of giving birth. This is ok where there have been no problems during the labour or the birth. Also when no problems are expected following the birth of your baby. If you decide to go home quickly your community midwife may be able to perform the neonatal check of the baby. If not it will be carried out by one of the children's doctors - a paediatrician - before you and baby go home.
  • After you go home
    After you and baby go home, you will be visited by your community midwife at home. In the majority of cases you will have a visit the following day. In some cases you will receive a telephone call. Your midwife will plan your postnatal care with you. If you have any concerns before your midwife visits please use the contact numbers on your handheld notes.