Diabetes education in Worcestershire

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Taking control of your diabetes

It is important that you take control of your diabetes by learning how to self-manage your condition.

These options are available to you if you are registered with a Worcestershire GP:

Type 1 diabetes

DAFNE, carbohydrate counting, X-PERT insulin or insulin pump groups.

Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes

Your GP should provide you with a Diabetes UK information pack on diagnosis, refer you to our First Steps course, and refer you to www.healthyliving.nhs.uk.

Existing type 2 diabetes

www.healthyliving.nhs.uk is a useful resource for all people with type 2 diabetes.

Virtual Group Sessions

Most sessions are delivered virtually enabling you to join from your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone from any location. We can offer you support to access the sessions and a small range of face-to-face sessions are available for those unable to access virtual sessions.

Please contact us via email to: wah-tr.worcsdiabetesed@nhs.net

Download our diabetes education leaflet.