Weight Management Services

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About the service

The Tier 3 Weight Management Service provides specialist support in weight management.

The team are here to provide help and support to people who are trying to reduce their weight. The Specialist Weight Management dietitians are highly trained to address lifestyle change whilst considering the health problems associated with obesity.

Due to an unprecedented increase in referrals, the Weight Management Service has a long waiting list and patients are waiting for many months to start treatment. 

Patient waiting list – updated May 2024

Due to continued pressures on our service, our waiting time from acceptance of a referral is now over two years. We currently have a vacancy and are waiting for new staff to start and be trained up.

We understand this is very frustrating for you and we are sorry for the wait. We will update the estimated wait times every two months and we would like to thank you for your patience.

To support patients during this waiting period we are offering a variety of resources to help patients to start exploring and identifying areas for change in managing their weight; these can be found in the patient resources and links section below. We take a holistic approach to weight management and there may be things you can identify and start to address while you are waiting.

Please check with your GP that all your relevant blood tests have been completed. See the referral criteria below for blood tests needed.

Wegovy – This is not being prescribed in Worcestershire at present

The weekly weight loss injection, Wegovy, was launched in the UK at the end of 2023. Work is ongoing and we are waiting for a pathway to be agreed with the Worcestershire Integrated Care Board. Again this month the decision has been pushed back. We already have many patients who qualify for this drug in our service. We have no update on when management will agree this pathway. It will take time to get everyone reviewed and started. We will update this information when we get any updates. If you are already in our service and have been told you meet the criteria for Wegovy we will be in touch if we have any updates.

Given our long waiting list, we are now accepting referrals for patients who may be eligible for Wegovy injections. Referrals need to include the following up to date blood tests. Thyroid, Diabetes (Hba1c), fasting lipids, kidney and liver function tests. The wait will be over two years to get into our service and there is no guarantee our Trust will make this drug available.


Following national guidance we are unable to start any new patients on Saxenda at this time. This is to try and ensure supply for patients already on the drug. New patients will be considered for Wegovy once this is available.

Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU)

If you have been seeing a dietitian and it has been agreed with you that you are “Patient Initiated Follow-Up” (PIFU) you must get in touch with the department, as outlined in your letter, to be re-instated. Your GP can’t do this for you. If we don’t hear from you in the 12 months from your letter you will be discharged from our service.

  • Who are we?

    We are a friendly, approachable, and experienced team who specialise in weight management. Our team is specially designed to fully support you with all aspects of weight loss.

    The service is made up of a team of male and female dietitians.

  • Where are we based?

    We deliver services in Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Redditch, Bromsgrove and Kidderminster.

    Most appointments are now virtual. It is really important to let us know if you have limited access or ability to use a smartphone or the internet. We can make other arrangements.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How is the Tier 3 service different from the diets I have tried before?

    We are a specialist service offering you support to achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss. We often find that people who access our service have tried many diets in the past which have not worked for them. Our role is not to tell you what to do but to guide you to make decisions that will suit you and your lifestyle and to help you understand what you need to do to manage your weight in the longer term.

    We take a behavioural approach to weight management to help you to

    • Explore current habits and factors that are impacting on your weight
    • Identify and start to make changes to your eating, activity and thinking.
    • See the links between mood and the food choices that you make.
    • Develop skills and confidence to manage your weight in the longer term.
    • Feel more in control.
    • Support you with any gaps in your knowledge about what to eat.

    Do I have to have bariatric surgery?

    Not all patients referred to the service are interested in having bariatric surgery.  We help you to develop your skills and confidence so that you can manage your weight in the longer term. These skills will benefit you regardless of whether you choose to have bariatric surgery or not.

    Why do I need to complete the Tier 3 program before I can have bariatric surgery?

    The program will support you to make the necessary lifestyle changes that will enable you to manage your weight in the long term. In this time, you will be working towards non-scales victories which will be different for everyone e.g. making time for yourself, being a bit more active, signing up to start something new, stopping smoking. Losing a bit of weight before surgery will help lower the risk of complications.

    What to expect on the Tier 3 program?

    All patients will initially have an individual video appointment with a dietitian for a brief assessment.  Those who are suitable for the service will have access to online resources whilst waiting to be allocated to a dietitian in your locality; this will include workshops.

    When allocated to a dietitian, you will be offered a place on the weight management group, one-to-one virtual appointments and/or face-to-face appointments.

    You need to be willing to engage with the service and commit to attending these appointments. 

    If I want to have surgery what happens after I have completed Tier 3?

    Once you have completed the Tier 3 program you will need to attend the 2 pre-surgery group sessions. These sessions provide you with information about the 2 bariatric surgery options in our Trust; gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. This group is now being run virtually and you can find out more about the Bariatric service here.

  • Patient Resources

    Below you can read some Patient Information Leaflets we have produced on the following topics:

  • Referral information

    Referrals to the Tier 3 weight management service can now only be made via E-referral by a GP using the weight management triage pathway. Referrals either by post or email are no longer accepted.

  • Referral criteria

    In order to be referred through to the Worcestershire Specialist Tier 3 Weight Management Team you need to fulfil the local Care Commissioners’ criteria.

    • Aged at least 18 years
    • Either have a BMI >40 Kg/m² with or without obesity-related co morbidities or a BMI >35 kg/m² with at least one of the following: diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea or intracranial hypertension.
  • Wegovy

    What it is and how it works

    Wegovy is a weight loss medication that works on receptors in your brain. It helps patients to lose weight by reducing appetite and increasing how full they feel following a meal. It is used along with diet and behavioural/lifestyle changes.

    Wegovy is a once-weekly injection; patients are started on a low dose that is increased gradually to its recommended dose of 2.4mg over five months. There are very tight criteria for Wegovy treatment on the NHS.

    Who is eligible for referral in the NHS

    Wegovy is available free on the NHS through a Tier 3 Specialist Weight Management Service. It is prescribed by the hospital and can’t be prescribed by your GP. NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) has developed national guidelines for prescribing Wegovy in the NHS.

    The Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) will agree a pathway for local patients in December and this will be uploaded once agreed. The referral criteria are:

    A body mass index (BMI) of at least 35kg/m2 AND a weight-related health issue – a comprehensive list of what this includes will be uploaded in December.

    Next step

    GPs will need to make an e-referral to the Tier 3 Specialist Weight Management Service for consideration of Wegovy. The waiting list is very long.

    All referrals need to include the following blood tests so that the service can assess suitability for Wegovy. Referrals will be slowed down if these blood results are not included.

    • Hba1c,
    • Fasting Lipid Profile,
    • Kidney function tests
    • Liver function tests
    • TSH

    Wegovy is not suitable for the following patients:

    • Women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant. Pregnant women concerned about their weight can discuss this with their midwife.
    • Patients who have had severe pancreatitis in the past.
    • Significant history or current eating disorders.
    • Unstable mental health – mental health needs to be well managed.

    More information on Wegovy can be found on this website: www.wegovy.co.uk/

  • Contact the team

    If you would like to contact the team please use the details below:

    Specialist Weight Management Dietitians
    Email: wah-tr.weight.managementservice@nhs.net
    Telephone: 01905 760742 (answer phone)

    The Tier 3 weight management dietitians work closely with the Bariatric Tier 4 Surgical team. For more information about the Bariatric Service, visit: https://www.worcsacute.nhs.uk/services/item/bariatric-surgery

    The Tier 3 and 4 dietitians are part of the Worcestershire Nutrition and Dietetic Department. For more information about the Nutrition and Dietetic Service, visit:  https://www.worcsacute.nhs.uk/dietetics