Artificial intelligence software helping stroke patients at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Artificial intelligence software helping stroke patients at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust image Members of the Stroke Unit team at Worcestershire Royal Hospital stood outside the Acute Stroke Unit entrance.

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A new artificial intelligence system helping to save the lives of stroke patients has been introduced at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. 

The RapidAI software analyses brain images to help decide whether a patient needs an operation or medication to remove a blood clot.

The new system, welcomed by the Stroke Team last month has already helped over 30 patients receive life-saving treatment they may have otherwise missed. 

Data from the software aids the team in managing hyperacute stroke care by analysing neuro images. The technology is part of decision-making tool helping to facilitate advanced stroke care, which keeps in line with stroke guidelines.

Automatically detecting large vessel occlusion as well as blood circulation to the brain in more detail, the software gives the clinician a better idea of a patient’s neurovascular status. 

Scans analysed via this software are directly accessible to the clinicians at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham where stroke patients can be transferred for further treatment. 

Clinical Lead Dr Girish Muddegowda, said: “Thanks to this software, clinicians now have advanced decision-making capabilities in a time critical situation which is crucial to stroke recovery. 

“Rapid AI is already improving patient stroke services and thrombolysis rates and opening better and quicker communication channels with the Tertiary Centre in Birmingham for advanced patient care.”

Stuart Guy, Directorate Manager for Stroke Unit at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, said: “This is an excellent improvement to support the treatment of our stroke patients. The benefits include quicker decision making and improved patient pathway services.”