Specialised Physiotherapy

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Modalities such as exercise prescription, hydrotherapy, education and/ or the functional restoration programme are commonly recommended for persistent pain. During an initial consultation, a Chartered Physiotherapist will ask you a number of questions in order to get to know you as a person and understand your problems better. The initial interview is vital for us as a therapist as we are able to gain an insight and understanding into what matters to you. We are also able to jointly formulate goals and a management plan moving forward.

Exercise Rehabilitation

The research within physiotherapy suggests to us very strongly that exercise, over any other treatment modality, will be the most effective and longest-lasting method in the management of persistent pain.  The overall aim of exercise rehabilitation is to increase joint mobility, improve muscle strength and endurance. Fear avoidance behaviour is a common problem and graded systematic approach to exercise may help you overcome this.

Following the initial consultation, a physiotherapist will provide you with exercise to perform on a daily basis at home. This may include gentle mobilising or stretching or strengthening exercises which may help with functional activities in your everyday life. Exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling may also be recommended.

Physiotherapy may initially take place on a 1:1 basis but you may also be offered the opportunity to attend an exercise group session. This will take place weekly for up 6 weeks and may be with up to 5 other patients at the same time. These sessions will be led by a qualified physiotherapist.

Research shows us that it takes at least 6 weeks of regular exercise to notice a difference in your strength and fitness. Therefore it is important to persevere with the exercises for as long as possible.

Exercise rehab


For those patients who need to increase their exercise levels to improve mobility and strength, but find it very difficult to weight bear or have widespread pain, hydrotherapy can be an excellent alternative to land-based exercise. This takes place in the hydrotherapy pool at Worcestershire Royal Hospital. You will be assessed initially on a 1:1 basis but then you will exercise in the water, being led by a physiotherapist, but also alongside other patients. The buoyancy of the water means that our bodies feel lighter in the water, making it easier to weight bear and move around.

BEST Hydro

Education and pain management

Pain is very complex. Your physiotherapist will help you understand why persistent pain can occur and teach you strategies on how to manage it.