Blood tests

Blood tests image

You may need to come to clinic to have a blood test.

If you are coming in for this, one of the nurses may put some ‘magic cream’ on for you. It goes on the back of your hand or inside your elbows and is covered by a clear plaster. The special cream has a local anaesthetic in and works to make the places that it touches go numb, that means you can’t feel much where the cream has been.

Magic cream

The cream takes approximately 45 minutes to work so during this time, you may be able to have another play in the waiting area. Don’t worry, you can still use your arms and hands whilst you have the cream on.

When it is time for you to have the blood test, we will take your cream off and get you ready. We have lots of nice books and things for you to look at whilst you are having the blood test so you have something nice to focus on.

When the blood test is finished you can have a sticker to say well done.

Blood test distraction